2024-03-30 01:33:56

兵马俑:The Terra Cotta Warriors

The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses are the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century. Work is ongoing at this site, which is around 1.5 kilometers east of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum, Lintong County, Shaanxi province. It is a sight not to be missed by any visitor to China.

The museum covers an area of 16,300 square meters, divided into three sections: No. 1 Pit, No. 2 Pit, and No. 3 Pit respectively. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, first opened to the public on China's National Day, 1979. There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back.

No. 2 Pit, found in 1976, is 20 meters northeast of No. 1 Pit. It contained over a thousand warriors and 90 chariots of wood. It was unveiled to the public in 1994.Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976, 25 meters northwest of No. 1 Pit. It looked like to be the command center of the armed forces. It went on display in 1989, with 68 warriors, a war chariot and four horses.

Altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons have been unearthed from these pits. Most of them have been restored to their former grandeur.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xian on the map for tourists. It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages.

华清池Huaqing pool

Huaqing Pool is located at the foot of Lishan Mountain, about 35 kilometers east of Xian city. It can be conveniently visited on returning from the Terracotta Army site. On arriving at the Huaqing Pool, one is struck by the distinctive features of traditional palaces of the Tang Dynasty. The palace is called Huaqing Pool because it has many pools and hot springs. Willow branches droop gracefully down to the water of the pools. Pavilions, bridges and pools together constitute a most elegant palace. It was a rainy day when I went there and the whole palace was enveloped in mist: it made the scenery even more beautiful.

It is famous for high-ranked imperial concubine Yang in Tang Dynasty.Yang Guifei was bathing in this place and was loved by the emperor ,so he built a lot of beautiful and magnificant palace there!

北京 Beijing

天安门广场 Tian’an Men Square

故宫 Former Imperial Palace

天坛 Temple of Heaven

北海公园 Beihai Park

长城 Great Wall

颐和园 Summer Palace

十三陵 Thirteen Ming Tombs

雍和宫 Yonghegong Lamasery

北京动物园 Beijing Zoo

胡同 Tour of Hutongs

恭王府 Prince Gong’s Mansion

周口店北京猿人遗址 Zhoukoudian-Home of Peking Man

圆明园遗址 Ruins of Yuanmingyuan

卢沟桥 Lugou Bridge

香山公园 Xiangshan Park

碧云寺 Biyun Temple

潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple

卧佛寺 Wofo Temple

戒台寺 Jietai Temple

法海寺 Fahai Temple

云居寺 Yunju Temple

白云寺 Baiyun Temple

西安 Xi’an

大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda

小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda

秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses

秦始皇陵 The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang

黄帝陵 The Huangdi Tomb

鼓楼 The Drum Tower

钟楼 The Bell Tower

西安城墙 The Xi’an Circumvallation

华清池 The Huaqing Pond

乾陵 The Qian Tomb

法门寺 The Famen Temple

黄河壶口瀑布 The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall

敦煌 Dunhuang

莫高窟 The Mogao Grottoes

西千佛洞 Xiqianfodong Caves

白马塔 The Baima Tower

雷音寺 Leiyin Temple

榆林 Yulin Grottoes in Anxi

阳关 Yangguan Pass

玉门关 Jade Gate Pass

悬泉 Xuanquan Remains

鸣沙山和月牙泉 The Mingsha Mountain and the Crescent Moon Spring

新疆 Xinjiang

天池 Tianchi Lake

卡纳斯湖 Kanas Lake

吐鲁番 Turpan

丝绸之路 Silk Road Tour

巴音布鲁克草原 Bayanbulak Grassland

西藏 Tibet

拉萨 Lhasa

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

南京 Nanjing

中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

秦淮风光带 Qinhuai River Scenic Belt

灵谷寺 Linggu Temple

明城墙 Ming Great Wall

玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake

莫愁湖 Mochou Lake

苏州 Suzhou

拙政园 Zhuozheng orthe Humble Administrator's Garden

狮子林 Shizilin

留园 LiuyuanorLingering Garden

沧浪亭 Canglangtingorthe Surging Wave Pavilion

网师园 Wangshiyuan

环秀山庄 Huanxiushanzhuang Garden

虎丘山 the Tiger Hill

枫桥 Fengqiao Bridge

盘门 Panmen

寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple

角直 Luzhi Town

双桥 Shuangqiao Bridges (Double Bridges)


断桥 Broken Bridge

西湖 West Lake

三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

岳飞祠 Yue Fei Temple

六和塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda

保俶塔 Baoshu Pagoda

花港观鱼 Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook

西泠印社 Xiling Seal Club

黄龙洞 Yellow Dragon Cave

灵隐寺 Lingyin TempleorTemple of Soul's Retreat

飞来峰 Carved Stone Statues on Peak Flown From Afar

千岛湖 Thousand-Island Lake

严子陵钓鱼台 Yan Ziling's Fishing Platform

天目山 Tianmu Mountains

富春江 Fuchun River

桂林 Guilin

七星岩 Seven-star Park

漓江 Li River

骆驼山 Camel Hill

花桥 Flower Bridge

Jingjiang King's Residence

Crown Cave

塔山 Ta Hill

Reed Flute Cave

Jingjiang King's Tombs

象鼻山 Elephant-trunk Hill

西山 West Hill

Fubo Hill

Brocade Hill、

云南 Yunnan

昆明 Kunming

滇池 Dianchi Lake,

西山 West hill

西山森林公园 West Hill forest Park

Yunnan thnic Village

Grand View Pavilion

Qiongzhu Temple

Golden Hall

Yuantong Temple

Cuihu Park

世博园 the Garden of the World Horticultural Exposition

大理 Dali

大理三塔 The Three Pagodas

苍山洱海 Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake

蝴蝶泉 the Butterfly Spring

丽江Lijiang Naxi County

Ancient Dayan Town

玉龙雪山 Snow-capped Yulong Mountain

Hutiao Gorgen on Jingsha River

长江第一弯 First Bend of the Yangtze

10,000-flower Camellia Tree in Yufeng Temple


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