家乡景点 英语(介绍永春景点的英语作文)
2024-04-01 05:46:26


Yongchun is my hometown, it is a big county in the mountains. Here the scenery is picturesque, many green plants, building row upon row. There are many places of interest, east off the bridge, Yulong bridge, Kuixing rock etc.. The products have more than four or five samples, such as lacquer basket, paper texture painting, fingered citron tea, citrus...... Now, I will take you to visit the four seasons of the North River.


Spring, people came to North Creek first thought is the peach blossom! Look, a blossoming peach Zhengxiandouyan. Some red Sihuo, some powder Ru Xia, some white as snow, some yellow like gold, and some... All kinds, mix, is really varied. See you, let you dizzying, dazzling. A smell, fragrance overflowing, I seem to smell the fragrance of the fragrance of the flowers and earth. Static next hearts come to listen to, you can hear the bees buzzing calls and visitors to the peach blossom praise bel. I saw a pair of good scenery, can not help but sing "bamboo peach 32 branches Chunjiang plumbing duck prophet" verse.




My hometown yichang, is a place of picturesque scenery, is a world famous city of water and electricity. Yichang is the famous three ges dam, the beauty of the yiling square, is a good place to travel.

Yiling square open every day music fountain, play is the music of the world famous musicians, fountain, along with the music rhythm dance. If you rely on the close, sometimes water mist spray on your body, the whole body wet. Square, there are many old man jump some dancing, bashan dance, I feel or our children jump of good, ha ha!

The three ges dam is the world's most famous dam, the highest dam, whenever the dam flood discharge, spurts out big water column magnificence, very spectacular, let me see the awe. Whenever the holidays, tens of thousands of visitors.

I love my hometown, a beautiful scenery, charactizing a fine spring day. I love my hometown, I'm proud of my hometown, proud!






My hometown is in henan, where tree-lined, the air is fresh, the four seasons have different views.

In the spring, trees grow new leaves, it is a new life. Melting of river water, and began to pour the cheerful, hibernate frogs, and began to play, sing the joy, rhythmic songs "quack......" ......

This is a spring for revival.

Summer, is a hot season, so, my brother and I, take a swim ring (in fact, the waste tyre) to the river to go swimming, a river of the water is very clear, clear can see the bottom of sand, we can play, until sunset xishan. Back home, eat ice cream, while watching TV, when the fan open, and air conditioning.

This is the joy of summer.

Autumn is a season of harvest, industrious people, starting to work. And as for me, I also just want to find some work, I heard grandma loudly call: "kou kou, go, let's go to the fields to receive food!" I'm glad to picked up the basket and grandma came to the garden. I saw in the garden colorful, spiky chili, other delectable pumpkin, long beans like a braid... I am happy with a basket, began to collect food.

This is the season of harvest.

It's winter, snow, thick snow covered a layer of white bed, to the crops on the ground of a pile of snow, the children began to snowball fights, make a snowman and fun.

This is snow in winter.

This is my hometown.












I praise my hometown beauty, what a beautiful hometown because in my eyes, a kind word; Home, a warm home; Hometown, an elegant place. Place. And don't express warm, too.

My hometown is green all around his view field, people are busy as a bee everyday. In the field, one to spring, everywhere is tall greenhouse hob, like a *** all tribe; Summer, the plastic one from the greenhouses, full of green and golden melon melon branches; Autumn, there are mature to breath in the village, looking out to a piece of golden field, the village everyone laugh bloom; In the winter, heavy snow, for the village put on a snowy winter jacket. Field, it is a piece of beauty, the snow on the view field, the field appears particularly beautiful.

My hometown has the beauty of the four seasons is different, intoxicated by my heart. Let me immersed in the beautiful scenery all the year round. Is really "in FuZhongZao know".

I love my hometown, because it is intoxicated by the beauty of I, because it has a family of me. Because it was my education.

Love my hometown, it is a piece of fertile soil, education is a education of the pure land; It has many places of interest in my heart is not as good as unique.






标签: 作文 家乡 英语


I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.



Yichang is a prefecture level city in Hubei Province, a regional central city in Central China, a sub central city in Hubei Province and a member of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River approved by the State Council.

It is characterized by good scenery and the city is suitable for living.








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