2024-03-27 15:19:16


作为一名即将踏入职业岗位的应届毕业生,四年的大学生涯,铸就了我稳重,自信与不怕苦难挫折的性格;As a graduating student who is about to enter a professional position, four-year college life has molded my character that features poise, self-confident and not afraid of suffering setback;通过参与大学各部门的工作,练就了我严谨的工作作风与扎实的工作态度。Through my participation in the work of various departments of the University I have tempered my strict style of work and solid work attitude. 怀揣着对教育的无限憧憬与热爱,我从小立志做一位优秀的英语教师。Cherishing the infinite vision and love to education I was determined to be a good teacher from my childhood.虽不是师范类应届生,但我积极考取教师证,虚心学习优秀老师的教育方式方法。Although I am not a graduating student of Normal university, I actively obtain the teacher certificate, and learn the education means and methods from excellent teachers with modest attitude. 坚信凭借我的勤奋与刻苦,凭借着我的自信心与亲和力,必能成为一位合格的园丁,必可将知识传递给每一位未来的希望!I firmly believe that with my diligence and hard work, and by virtue of my self-confidence and charm, I will certainly be able to become a qualified gardener and pass knowledge to every one who will be our future hope!

Good morning, I'm happy to introduce myself to you here; I'm XXXX, 23 years old

I graduated from jimei university college, major in sincerity founded transportation, the academic record is good, use computer skillfully, during the period of school attended college English test band 4 certificate. Computer level 2 certificate. And the driver's license. The university for four years actively participated in the activities in school students and students as the church position, successful planning and organization, "the school food culture festival" "school students basketball game" and many large activities. A Actively attend class size, and help organize class activities of each semester class activities. In guarantee under the premise of learning to do too much electronic product promotion. Has the very strong initiative and teamwork spirit, ability to learn, adapt to ability, strong ability to withstand the pressure, good at challenge yourself.

If can work into your company, to me will be a very good exercise myself, improve himself, is also the chance to show ego talent platform. I hope to become a member of the XXXX, thank you


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